Like other school districts across Colorado, the Douglas County School District received Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding during the COVID-19 pandemic. This one-time funding was restricted in how it could be utilized and will expire by September 30, 2024.
ESSER funds could be used as follows:
ESSER I - Addressing the Immediate Crisis
ESSER I funds were provided to school districts to help ensure that students continued to have access to important services during remote learning, and to help reopen schools by making learning environments as safe as possible and to slow transmission of COVID. Many dollars were used on COVID mitigation supplies such as hand washing and sanitizing stations, HVAC ventilation systems, cleaning and disinfecting supplies and services, masks and gloves, etc. These funds were also utilized to continue to provide students access to meals, nursing services, etc.
ESSER II - Providing Stability and Managing the Health Crisis
ESSER II funds were provided to school districts to help address learning time that was interrupted during remote learning. This included software, staff time, and other resources related to providing extended learning opportunities to students such as summer learning programs to help students overcome any learning loss that may have occurred during COVID-related closures. ESSER II funds also helped cover staff costs associated with contact tracing, quarantines, Personal Protective Equipment and other ongoing mitigation factors required via public health orders.
ESSER III - Recovery and Acceleration
ESSER III funds were provided to school districts with a requirement that at least 20% of the allocated funds be set aside for interventions to address the academic impact of lost instructional time. These interventions must be evidence-based and designed to respond to students' social, emotional, and academic needs with a specific focus on students who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (including students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children and youth in foster care, and migratory students). Click here to see DCSD's plan for the use of ESSER III funds.