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How We Are Funded


Local voter-approved general obligation bonds are used by school districts for capital needs such as constructing new school buildings or additions to existing school buildings, facility repairs and upgrades, security upgrades, classroom equipment, buses, and technology.

The bond passed by Douglas County voters in 2018 enabled DCSD to cover maintenance that had been
deferred for many years. However, additional funding is needed to continue to fund maintenance and repairs and to construct new schools in fast-growing areas of the county.

As the school district pays off and restructures debt, the debt payments “step down” in such a way that new debt can be issued (with the approval of taxpayers). Generally, new debt payment fills in the “step down” creating an opportunity to pass new debt without an increase in the mill rate. Because Bonds have not been passed consistently over the years, our school district’s mill rate has ratcheted down dramatically. This current rate is making it challenging to keep up with capital needs.


DCSD Bond History

Bar chart showing DCSD's Bond approval history over 25 years.